Today's Passage:
Ephesians 1:11-14Today's Prayer:
Father, we give you thanks and praises for causing us to hope in Christ and calling us your possession. For making us your children and heirs. Today, we choose to lay hold of the hope that is ours in Christ. In the places of our lives where we’re resigned and exhausted, we speak the hope God. In the seemingly intractable situations in which we find ourselves, we speak the hope of God. In the places of tender green buds barely pushing above ground, we speak the hope of God. In hard decisions that need to be made today, we speak the hope of God.
Jesus, we give you thanks and praises for both being and bringing the Good News. We say there is none like you.
Spirit, we give you thanks and praises for sealing us, for confirming that we are indeed the Fathers, for making us holy - separated and set apart for God. For marking us as His and for guaranteeing our inheritance. Set us aflame today with the resounding reality that we belong to a King and Kingdom that is beyond what we can see. With the resounding reality that we are not paupers but heirs of the Most High.
And in response, we choose to live our lives today for the praise of Your glory. Strengthen our faith today. Call us to remember your faithfulness. We claim the hope that is ours as we call to mind who you are and what you have done from the beginning of all time to this time and THIS day, and what you will do to the end of all time.
We put your grace and power and perfection on full display.
We choose lives that magnify you.
All of us for all of who you are.