Today's Passage:
Ephesians 2:18-22Today's Prayer:
Father, you have joined us together and called us your dwelling place.
You have called us fellow citizens and invited us in.
You have built a firm foundation and given us your Son as the cornerstone.
You have given us your Spirit that we may know you more fully.
Let us not forget that we were once lost, strangers without a home,
But you have called us your own.
You have hemmed us in.
Let us not forget that we were once easily swayed, tossed to and fro by the waves,
But you have given us a firm foundation.
You have joined us together and strengthened the body.
Let us not forget that we were once unable to come before you, unable to know you deeply,
But you have chosen us as your dwelling place.
Your Spirit dwells within us and is transforming our lives.
Keep us close to your side.
Create in us a longing for more of you.
Teach us to love one another deeply.