Today's Passage:
Ephesians 2:11-17Today's Prayer:
Father, you have called us to remember.
Remind us today that we were once far from you.
Separated from Christ, and unable to grasp the hope that only you can give.
But, in your great mercy, you sent your only Son.
You bridged the gap, through the blood of Christ.
Remind us today that you alone are our peace.
You have overcome the law, making us one in Christ.
You have created a way and have called us to live in unity as one body.
We confess we are a people who are quick to forget.
Quick to find ourselves longing to return to Egypt.
Quick to question your ways and attempt to fix things on our own.
Quick to forget to love one another as you have so extravagantly loved us.
Lord, remind us today.
You are our hope.
You are our peace.
We are brought near by the blood of Christ.
We are made one through the cross.
Your ways are always better.
Your love is unfailing.
Thank you for continuing to draw us near and reveal yourself to us.